Barbecuing in Less-than-Ideal Conditions

Although summer is synonymous with barbecues, the summer weather doesn’t always play along, and you can’t always guarantee sunshine and clear skies. Especially in Britain.

Even on seemingly good days, you may have to contend with unexpected wind, rain, pests, or a temperature drop later in the day.

But don’t let any bad weather dampen (or blow away) your barbecue plans. With a few adjustments and some preparation, you can still enjoy a fantastic barbecue experience, even in less-than-ideal conditions.

Tackling Windy Conditions

Wind can be a significant challenge when barbecuing. It can affect the grill’s temperature, blow out flames, and even spread embers.

Here are some tips to manage windy days effectively:

Positioning the Grill

Try to position your grill in a sheltered area, such as near a wall, fence, or hedge, to reduce the wind’s impact. But avoid placing it too close to anything flammable such as hanging tree branches or decorations, etc.

If a natural windbreak isn’t available, work out which direction the wind is coming from and create a makeshift barrier using plywood or large pieces of cardboard, ensure whatever you use is stable and won’t blow over.

Temperature Control

Wind can cause temperature fluctuations, so keep a close eye on your grill’s temperature. Use a grill thermometer to make sure your food’s temperature isn’t affected by the breeze.

Gas or hybrid grills may help give you more temperature control to battle against the wind, but with charcoal grills, such as our Roast Box 650 Charcoal Barbecue, adjust the vents to control airflow. Opening them can increase the temperature if the wind cools down the coals too much.

Keep the lid closed as much as possible to maintain heat and protect the flames from the wind. Opening the lid only when necessary.

Wind Safety

Ensure your grill is stable and won’t tip over in strong winds. Consider using sandbags or weights to anchor it down if needed, especially if you are using a smaller or portable grill.

Be cautious with embers, which can be carried by the wind and potentially start fires or land on guests. Keep a spray bottle of water handy to douse any stray embers.

Grilling in the Rain

Rain can be a real dampener on a barbecue, but it doesn’t have to ruin your plans. With the right setup and precautions, you can keep grilling even when it pours.

Shelter Solutions

You can set up a canopy, gazebo or something similar over your grilling area to keep the rain off. But do make sure it’s high enough to allow proper ventilation, prevent smoke buildup or fire risks.

A large patio or specialised grill umbrella can also provide adequate coverage for grills, this may be especially easier for smaller grills. Just ensure it’s securely anchored and not too close to the heat.

Don’t forget to shelter your guests too, if they’ll be dining outside. Although you may have to resort to having them dine indoors while you brave cooking in the rain. It may be disappointing not being able to chill outside, but at least you’ll still get the al fresco taste.

Preparing Your Grill

In rainy conditions, preheat your grill for a longer time to ensure it reaches the desired temperature despite the cooling effect of the rain.

Keep the grill lid closed as much as possible to retain heat. Opening the lid frequently will let out heat and allow rain to get in. No one wants a soggy sausage.

Cooking Tips

Opt for foods that cook quickly, such as burgers, hot dogs, and kebabs. These will be less affected by temperature fluctuations and rain. Plus, these are all BBQ classics, so you can’t go wrong!

Use indirect heat cooking methods to prevent flare-ups and ensure even cooking. Once done, place the food away from the direct heat source straight to somewhere dry and sheltered, and then close the lid ASAP to stop any rain getting in (if you have no shelter).

Safety Measures in the Rain

If using any kind of electric equipment, ensure all cords and connections are dry and safe from water exposure to avoid electrical hazards.

Be mindful of slippery surfaces around your grilling area too. Keep a mop or towels handy to dry off any wet spots promptly.

Dealing with Unexpected Chilly Evenings

Even in summer, evenings can sometimes get unexpectedly chilly. Here’s how to keep the barbecue going and ensure everyone stays warm and comfortable.

Dress Appropriately

Wear layers that you can add or remove as the temperature changes. Keep a light jacket or sweater nearby for when the temperature drops.

Ensure you’re wearing shoes that provide good insulation and are suitable for standing on potentially cold or damp ground.

Heat Sources

Invest in a patio heater or fire pit to provide warmth for your guests. Place it at a safe distance from the grilling area.

You can also provide cosy blankets for your guests. This can add to the relaxed ambiance and ensure everyone stays warm. Even lightweight blankets can be useful for warmth, sun protection, or shielding from bug bites (more on bugs later).

The patio heater or fire pit will double up as a light source for when the evening starts to get dark, but if you need extra light whilst grilling, you may want to try a LED BBQ light.

Food and Drink

If you’re socialising at the end of the summer, or during the autumn and beyond, why not serve warm drinks like mulled wine, hot chocolate, or warm cider to help guests stay warm?

Include warm sides and appetisers, such as soups or baked potatoes, which can provide additional warmth. This recipe for Baked Potatoes with Chilli con Carne may do just the trick!

What If It’s Too Hot?

Can there be too much of a good thing? Well actually yes, the summer heat can sometimes become overwhelming, heatwaves do happen. It’s important to take steps to keep both the grill and your guests comfortable. Even on an average sunny summer day, you should be mindful of sun protection.

Ensure everyone stays hydrated and can take breaks in a cool, indoor area if needed. By implementing the following strategies, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable barbecue even in high temperatures:

  • Set up a canopy or large umbrella to provide shade over the grilling and dining areas.
  • Have a wide range of cold drinks available and consider using coolers filled with ice to keep them refreshing.
  • You could try placing fans if they’ll reach outdoors or even sprinklers around the outer space. For safety reasons, don’t mix the two though!

If possible, schedule your barbecue for the cooler parts of the day to avoid the peak heat, such as later in the evening (if guests can wait that long) or even in the morning (breakfast anyone?). It all depends on the occasion however.

Dealing With Bugs

Insects can be a major nuisance during summer barbecues, but there are several ways to keep them at bay.

  • Use citronella candles or torches around your grilling and dining area to repel mosquitoes and other flying insects.
  • Cover food with items such as mesh food tents or keep it indoors until it’s time to eat to prevent flies from landing on it.
  • You could also consider setting up fans around the dining area, as the breeze can deter insects from hovering. Great if it’s a hot day too. But be aware this could also backfire and make food get colder quicker.
  • Avoid wearing sweet-smelling perfumes or lotions, as they can attract bugs. There are repellent sprays you can use instead, although they don’t always smell great.

You may also want to be aware of your garden and what plants, flowers, and other things attract bugs and other pests like birds. Stagnant water in ponds, birdbaths, and even leaky pipes can attract small bugs like gnats, for example.

Clean Up and Maintenance

Having a good maintenance and cleaning routine with your barbecue is great any time. It keeps things safe, but will also help protect against bugs, pests, and adverse weather. You may want to clean before and after grilling, you don’t want to open the grill and find pests feasting on charred bits of food still stuck on the grates – gross!

To further help protect from pests, weather (including extreme heat), AND keep your barbecue cleaner for longer, use a cover when the BBQ is not in use.

Our covers fit on easily with Velcro straps for the perfect fit. Plus, our latest covers feature vents that allow your BBQ to breathe, making maintenance even easier. These vents help to reduce the risk of issues such as accidentally trapped moisture or overheating in the warm sun.

Be Prepared For Anything With Outback

Barbecuing in less-than-ideal summer weather requires a bit of extra preparation and care, but it can be just as enjoyable and rewarding as grilling on a perfect sunny day.

By following these tips, you can ensure your barbecue is a success no matter what the weather brings.

Create The Ultimate Outdoor Dining Experience

With all Outback barbecues, quality is built in. Choose from exceptional charcoal barbecues and stunning firepits or create the ultimate dining experience with a 4 burner or 6 burner barbecue, in eye-catching stainless steel. With Outback it’s so easy to enjoy the outdoors season after season.

With premium barbecues and stunning, summer-and-beyond firepits, Outback has a range that includes some of the world’s most trusted products for the best in outdoor living.

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